Make A Great Impression In The Courtroom

Make A Great Impression In The Courtroom

  • Understanding Worker's Compensation Before You Need It

    If worker's compensation is something you rarely think about, you are not alone. It is not uncommon for people to know worker's compensation is something offered through their employer but not fully understand the benefits it provides. Discussing worker's compensation with your attorney before you need to use it will make it easier to know what to expect should you sustain a work-related injury or illness in the future. What is worker's compensation?

  • Decided To Forego An Attorney For Your Accident-Related Dental Injuries? 3 Questions To Ask Yourself First

    If you've been injured in a car accident, you need to focus on your recovery. If you haven't spoken to a personal injury attorney, now's the time to do that. You might not realize this, but a personal injury attorney can help you to recover from your accident. This is especially true if you've suffered dental injuries during your accident. Most people don't think about dental injuries after an accident. That's because they're more focused on the physical aspect of their injuries.

  • Hurt at Work? 3 Reasons You Need a Worker's Compensation Attorney

    Being injured at work can be very nerve-wracking, especially if you aren't sure you can continue working. Fortunately, you are only a call away from having someone by your side to help with the lawsuit process. Here are three reasons you need a worker's compensation lawyer, and what they can do for you.  1. Understand Your Benefits Depending on what happened and how severely you are injured, you may be able to receive compensation for everything from childcare costs and missed wages to settlements for future missed wages and ongoing pain and suffering.

  • How To Fight Against Your DUI Charges

    As you might already know, an arrest does not necessarily mean you will be convicted. Just being arrested and charged with driving under the influence (DUI), however, can be devastating. You must take action, though, if you are to defend yourself against the charges. DUI convictions can bring some serious punishments that are bound to disrupt your personal relationships, your ability to drive, your job, and your bank balance. Read on to find out more about the defenses your defense lawyer will consider as you move forward with your DUI case.

  • What Documents Should You Collect Before Filing Bankruptcy?

    Much of the job of a bankruptcy lawyer revolves around presenting paperwork to the court on behalf of a client. This means you'll likely have to produce copies of a lot of documents before you file anything. Here are 5 sets of documents you'll want to have lined up, if possible before you visit a bankruptcy attorney. Tax Returns You should try to find at least the last two years of tax returns that you've filled.

  • About Me

    Make A Great Impression In The Courtroom

    Hello, I'm Phillip Kerr and I just love the legal profession and courtroom drama. Have you ever watched judge shows on TV? I know that these shows are not an accurate representation of the courtroom, but there is something you may have noticed. Some individuals come into the courtroom well-dressed, articulate, respectful and with the knowledge and documents necessary to support a case, while others come unprepared, slovenly dressed and appear as if they do not have a care in the world. How you present yourself and the knowledge that you have of the law will have an impact on how you are treated, even if you have legal representation. This blog is designed to assist those who are going to trial in doing just that.
