When an auto insurance company seems uncooperative about an accident claim, the injured person may hesitate to get an attorney involved. This individual may feel it's better to deal with the problem without appearing combative. However, if the adjusters are not making a reasonable settlement offer, having a car accident lawyer take charge can swiftly lead to a favorable outcome. With professional legal representation, the injured person can focus fully on recovering instead of worrying about how to successfully negotiate with an insurance company.
A Broad Range of Cases
Auto accident lawyers handle many types of cases. Some are considered relatively routine. The person's injuries were not life-threatening, but there are substantial expenses connected with the incident. Other accidents have very serious consequences, such as a lengthy recovery time or permanent injuries.
Overcoming Claim Disputes
A lawyer becomes necessary when the injured person encounters trouble with the insurance company. The adjusters may deny the claim or dispute some aspect of it.
Even with manufacturers producing much safer automobiles, certain kinds of collisions are still likely to cause injuries. Rear-end collisions, for instance, carry a risk of whiplash for riders in the front vehicle. Since symptoms might not develop for days, the person delays seeking medical treatment. Because of this, insurance adjusters may not believe the injury actually happened.
Car accident lawyers know the types of diagnostic verification and medical documentation that will overcome insurance adjuster objections. An independent medical examination may be required before the company is willing to pay for the expenses. The lawyer guides clients through this process so a successful outcome is forthcoming.
Medical Bills
The insurer should pay all medical bills related to the accident. That might include a hospital stay, diagnostics, surgery, prescription medication, and treatment of fractured bones. The settlement should include any need for home healthcare or a short-term stay at a nursing home after release from the hospital.
Lost Income
The compensation also should pay lost income while one cannot work. If the accident has caused a permanent disability that prevents returning to the job, a settlement could cover retraining for a different occupation.
Additional Factors
Car accident attorneys sometimes can successfully negotiate a settlement that includes factors the injured person hadn't thought should be covered. For instance, if the individual is temporarily disabled, some of the settlement could cover costs for childcare, housekeeping assistance, and transportation. Coverage of medical expenses should include any recommended physical and occupational therapy in addition to hospital bills and other related invoices.
For more information on your case, contact a local car accident lawyer.
Hello, I'm Phillip Kerr and I just love the legal profession and courtroom drama. Have you ever watched judge shows on TV? I know that these shows are not an accurate representation of the courtroom, but there is something you may have noticed. Some individuals come into the courtroom well-dressed, articulate, respectful and with the knowledge and documents necessary to support a case, while others come unprepared, slovenly dressed and appear as if they do not have a care in the world. How you present yourself and the knowledge that you have of the law will have an impact on how you are treated, even if you have legal representation. This blog is designed to assist those who are going to trial in doing just that.